It's the time you've been waiting for, but as your employees slide back into their salon workwear, they may not be as ready for the restart as they appear.
With months of limited social contact, your staff may be slightly more sensitive to everyday work pressures. And, after a long lockdown, a stronger focus on mindset, wellbeing and mental balance is more vital than ever.
The reopen rush – along with an influx of pre-summer holiday appointments – might see your salon busier than ever. So, to help get your team back in the swing, here are our top tips to keeping them motivated throughout your big comeback.
1) Be flexible
While it may be tempting to cram your diary with rolling appointments, it’s worth leaving a little room for flexibility. Even if staff members seem eager to get going, the quick transition may leave them overwhelmed. Be open to calls for shift swaps, reduced hours and extended breaks where necessary.
Aside from shift arrangement, be prepared for additional requests from your staff – and always try to accommodate where possible. This cooperation could really help them to manage stress and regain positivity in their role.
2) Commit acts of kindness
Making staff feel appreciated isn’t as easy as it sounds, but actions speak louder than words. And regular, small acts of kindness are great ways of motivating the team or digging someone out of a rut. You don’t have to break the bank either – it’s the thought that counts. A sweet treat here and a neat gift there goes a long way.
The key word here is ‘regular’. If you’re only opting for pick-me-up tactics when your team looks jaded, then it might already be too late. Keep your salon ticking along with constant reminders that they’re in a positive workspace, and your clients will benefit too.
3) Arrange weekly activities
Scheduled activities give your team something else to look forward to other than their next shift. It’s also a great way for staff to let off steam, so make this a weekly practice to break any monotony they may be experiencing. Whether it’s a drink or two at the end of the week or a dance around the salon with the radio cranked, refresh your team back to their best.
To get the most out of your efforts, without leaving anyone feeling alienated, choose an activity with the whole team in mind. The pub isn’t for everyone – so be wise, know your employees, and instil togetherness from within.
4) Reward performance
Your employees will be working extra hard to get back into a rhythm of regular work. And with a potentially high volume of clients to deal with, it could be a stressful time. While they bend over backwards for you, make sure you return the favour. Consider staff rewards for achievements such as positive online reviews or verbal praise from customers.
A weekly, bi-weekly or monthly awards ceremony could also give the positive reinforcement your team needs to keep going. Again, you don’t have to dent your purse here, but tangible recognitions for the ‘hardest worker’, ‘super stylist’ or ‘best small talker’ can boost confidence and even add some humour to the fold.
Whichever methods you choose to empower your team, consider the individuality of each employee and adapt your approach accordingly. When your staff are happy, the happy clients will follow.
Why not take the first step towards a more motivated workforce by treating yourself and your employees to a stylish new set of salon uniforms? From hairdressing tunics to beauty trousers, we’ve got the look to give your staff the glow they deserve. Simply get in touch to discuss which styles will work for your business.