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Stressed About Term Time? 6 Relaxation Tips For Student Beauticians

by La Beeby 16 Sep 2020
Stressed About Term Time? 6 Relaxation Tips For Student Beauticians

Many of you will have mixed feelings about beauty college this year. And that’s perfectly understandable. The relief to be back and learning from inspiring people again might clash with the apprehension about working safely in class, making 2020 a little more stressful than usual. But there are still things you can do to reassure yourself and stay focused.

We’re ready with a few ideas. Introducing: La Beeby’s six top tips for relaxing, taking a deep breath, and smashing the study year ahead.

1) Practise meditation

Meditation can give your mind a huge boost. There are several styles to try at home, but most involve allowing your thoughts to rise and then letting them go as soon as you recognise them. And that means you won’t have a million things flying around your head at once. Try and stick to a morning routine, as well as when you get back from a day’s beauty training.

2) Keep a journal

Similarly, having a diary lets you get your thoughts in order when they might be muddled or jostling for space in that brain of yours. Journals are like a therapist in that way (except they’re much cheaper, and you never have to share them with someone else!). Try writing one entry every few days. If you like it, make it a daily thing.

3) Make your own art

You’ve already got a visual eye. What else might it be good for? Buy a canvas and experiment with paint or mixed media. Even if you never liked art at school, give it a go. You just might surprise yourself with what you come up with. Who knows? You could give yourself a new idea to try out at college.

4) Find a new favourite podcast

Podcasts are an awesome way to learn and (quite often) laugh your way through some other activity. They can brighten up a walk to the shops, a slow bath, or a piece of tricky college work. If you haven’t tried them yet, download a few episodes of Fat Mascara and Full Coverage and give them a go.

5) Get organised

Don’t double- and triple-check your bag between bites of toast, frantically realising your new workbook has gone walkabout. Buy everything you need now. Then pack it up as soon as you have it. That goes for scissors, clippers, brushes, nail kits, or anything else that isn’t provided for you on your beauty course. Trust us. You’ll thank your past self for it later on.

6) Prepare home-made lunches

Whether you’re new to cooking or not, a massive part of maintaining a healthy mindset relies on the food you’re eating – which is why it’s worth messing around in the kitchen for your own meals. Cook your midweek lunches in advance and lay out the Tupperware. Stodgy sandwiches from the college café won’t bring your mood down anymore.

As your beauty college gets underway, it’s important to give yourself a break and balance study with self-care. No one runs that well when their tank is half-empty. In fact, looking after your wellbeing can actually make you work better, because you’ll be fresher. Almost as fresh as our beauty workwear, which can complement your new outlook this year…

The La Beeby team can show you exactly how a well-fitted uniform can raise your mood and your style game if you’re interested. Message or call 0161 871 0500. Get more beauty advice on our social channels too, such as Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Good luck for the term ahead!

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